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Sassのフックメソッド より。

on_compilation_error {|error, template, css| ... }
Register a callback to be run when there’s an error compiling a Sass file.
on_creating_directory {|dirname| ... }
Register a callback to be run when Sass creates a directory into which to put CSS files.
on_deleting_css {|filename| ... }
Register a callback to be run when Sass deletes a CSS file.
on_not_updating_stylesheet {|template, css| ... }
Register a callback to be run when Sass decides not to update a stylesheet.
on_template_created {|template| ... }
Register a callback to be run when Sass detects that a new template has been created.
on_template_deleted {|template| ... }
Register a callback to be run when Sass detects that a template has been deleted.
on_template_modified {|template| ... }
Register a callback to be run when Sass detects that a template has been modified.
on_updated_stylesheet {|template, css| ... }
Register a callback to be run after a single stylesheet is updated.
(also: #on_updating_stylesheet)
on_updating_stylesheets {|individual_files| ... }
Register a callback to be run after stylesheets are mass-updated.
Last modified:2012/02/15 01:16:16
Keyword(s):[Ruby] [Sass]
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