@options = {} @options['attach.cgi_name'] = 'attch.cgi'
このHikidashiブランチは、Commit 16d6f549e1d47daf794a(2010年10月24日)から、ファイル添付機能の実装を変更しました。
- CGIで動かす場合でもattach.cgiは不要になりました。
- 権限の管理はHTTP Auth(.htaccessと.htpasswd)ではなくHikiの権限管理を使うようになりました。
- 特定のユーザーにのみファイル添付 / 削除を許可したい場合にはedit_userプラグインを使ってください。
- ファイル添付のPOSTリクエストを直接/attachへ送っていた場合には/?c=attachに送るよう、変更してください。
- Zend Frameworkでのユニットテスト
- Hiki Atomプラグイン
- attach
- ij
- jQueryプラグイン
- learning.quickstart.create-model.html
- 閲覧制限プラグイン
- rails3
- 続きを読むプラグイン
# = $Id: atom.rb, v 0.4 2010-10-05 # Copyright (C) 2010 KITAITI Makoto <> # # A Hiki plugin to syndicate Atom feed # # rss.rb plugin is very helpful for this plugin, thanks! # # == Required # * rss library which can make Atom feeds # (If your rss lib cannot, download from #;name=RSS+Parser) # # == Environment # Operation hecked under: # * Ruby 1.8.7 # * Hiki # # == To Do # * Selection of the number of syndicated pages at admin page # * Syndication per page # # == License # atom.rb, en/atom.rb and ja/atom.rb are # distributed under the GPL v2.(see {HIKIROOT}/doc/COPYING.) require 'time' def atom pages = atom_recent_updates(10) # Magic number! last_modified = pages.first.values[0][:last_modified] header = {} if_modified_since = ENV['HTTP_IF_MODIFIED_SINCE'] if_modified_since = Time.parse(if_modified_since) if if_modified_since if if_modified_since and last_modified <= if_modified_since header['status'] = 'NOT_MODIFIED' print @cgi.header(header) else body = atom_body(pages) header['Last-Modified'] = CGI.rfc1123_date(last_modified) header['type'] = 'application/atom+xml' header['charset'] = body.encoding header['Content-Language'] = @conf.lang header['Pragma'] = 'no-cache' header['Cache-Control'] = 'no-cache' print @cgi.header(header) puts euc_to_utf8(body.to_s) end nil # Don't move to the 'FrontPage' end def atom_recent_updates(page_count = 10) @db.page_info.sort_by do |p| p[p.keys[0]][:last_modified] end.last(page_count).reverse end def atom_body(pages) require 'rss/maker' RSS::Maker.make('atom') do |maker| maker.encoding = 'UTF-8' = @conf.author_name = @conf.index_url + '?c=atom' = @conf.site_name + ' : ' + label_atom_recent = @conf.site_name + ' ' + label_atom_recent = @conf.lang = pages.first.values[0][:last_modified] = 'Copyright (C) ' + @conf.author_name do |generator| generator.uri = '' generator.version = ::Hiki::VERSION generator.content = 'Hiki' end do |link| link.rel = 'self' link.type = 'application/atom+xml' link.href = end do |link| link.rel = 'alternate' link.type = 'text/html' link.href = @conf.index_url + '?c=recent' end pages.each do |p| maker.items.new_item do |item| name = p.keys[0] src = @db.load_backup(name) || '' dst = @db.load(name) || '' case @conf['atom.mode'] when :unidiff content = h(unified_diff(src, dst)).strip.gsub(/\n/, "<br>\n").gsub(/ /, ' ') when :worddiff_digest content = word_diff(src, dst, true).strip.gsub(/\n/, "<br>\n") when :worddiff_full content = word_diff(src, dst).strip.gsub(/\n/, "<br>\n") when :html_full tokens = @db.load_cache(name) unless tokens parser = tokens = parser.parse(@db.load(name)) @db.save_cache(name, tokens) end tmp = @conf.use_plugin @conf.use_plugin = false formatter =, @db,, @conf), @conf) content = formatter.to_s @conf.use_plugin = tmp else raise "Invalid atom.mode: #{@conf['atom.mode']}" end if content.empty? content = shorten(dst).strip.gsub(/\n/, "<br>\n") end uri = @conf.index_url + '?' + name.escape item.title = page_name(name) = uri = p[name][:editor] if p[name][:editor] = p[name][:last_modified].utc.strftime('%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S+00:00') item.content.type = 'html' item.content.content = content end end end end add_body_enter_proc do @conf['atom.mode'] ||= :unidiff @conf[''] ? add_plugin_command('atom', 'Atom') : add_plugin_command('atom', nil) end add_header_proc do %Q| <link rel="alternate" type="application/atom+xml" title="Atom" href="#{@conf.index_url}?c=atom">| end def saveconf_atom @conf['atom.mode'] = @cgi.params['atom.mode'][0].intern if @mode == 'saveconf' end if @cgi.params['conf'][0] == 'atom' && @mode == 'saveconf' @conf[''] = (@cgi.params[''][0] == 'true') end add_conf_proc('atom', label_atom_config) do saveconf_atom str = <<HTML <h3 class="subtitle">#{label_atom_mode_title}</h3> <p><select name="atom.mode"> HTML label_atom_mode_candidate.each_pair do |value, label| str << %Q|<option value="#{value}"#{' selected' if @conf['atom.mode'] == value}>#{label}</option>\n| end str << "</select></p>\n" str << <<HTML <h3 class="subtitle">#{label_atom_menu_title}</h3> <p><select name=""> HTML label_atom_menu_candidate.each_index do |i| str << %Q|<option value="#{[true,false][i]}"#{' selected' if @conf[''] == [true,false][i]}>#{label_atom_menu_candidate[i]}</option>\n| end str << "</select></p>\n" end export_plugin_methods :atom
# $Id: rss.rb,v 1.23 2008-07-06 02:40:43 hsbt Exp $ # Copyright (C) 2003-2004 TAKEUCHI Hitoshi <> # Copyright (C) 2005 Kazuhiko <> def rss_body(page_num = 10) pages = @db.page_info.sort do |a, b| k1 = a.keys[0] k2 = b.keys[0] b[k2][:last_modified] <=> a[k1][:last_modified] end n = 0 item_list = '' last_modified = pages[0].values[0][:last_modified] items = <<EOS <?xml version="1.0" encoding="#{@conf.charset}" standalone="yes"?> <rdf:RDF xmlns="" xmlns:dc="" xmlns:rdf="" xmlns:content="" xml:lang="ja-JP"> <channel rdf:about="#{@conf.index_url}?c=rss"> <title>#{CGI::escapeHTML(@conf.site_name)} : #{label_rss_recent}</title> <link>#{@conf.index_url}?c=recent</link> <description>#{CGI::escapeHTML(@conf.site_name)} #{label_rss_recent}</description> <dc:language>ja</dc:language> <dc:rights>Copyright (C) #{CGI::escapeHTML(@conf.author_name)}</dc:rights> <dc:date>#{last_modified.utc.strftime('%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S+00:00')}</dc:date> <items> <rdf:Seq> EOS pages.each do |p| break if (n += 1) > page_num name = p.keys[0] src = @db.load_backup(name) || '' dst = @db.load(name) || '' case @conf['rss.mode'] when 1 content = word_diff(src, dst, true).strip.gsub(/\n/, "<br>\n") when 2 content = word_diff(src, dst).strip.gsub(/\n/, "<br>\n") when 3 tokens = @db.load_cache( name ) unless tokens parser = @conf.parser::new( @conf ) tokens = parser.parse( @db.load( name ) ) @db.save_cache( name, tokens ) end tmp = @conf.use_plugin @conf.use_plugin = false formatter = @conf.formatter::new( tokens, @db, @conf.options, @conf), @conf ) content = formatter.to_s @conf.use_plugin = tmp else content = CGI::escapeHTML(unified_diff(src, dst)).strip.gsub(/\n/, "<br>\n").gsub(/ /, ' ') end if content and content.empty? content = shorten(dst).strip.gsub(/\n/, "<br>\n") end items << ' ' uri = "#{@conf.index_url}?#{name.escape}" items << %Q!<rdf:li rdf:resource="#{uri}"/>\n! item_list << <<EOS <item rdf:about="#{uri}"> <title>#{CGI::escapeHTML(page_name(name))}</title> <link>#{uri}</link> <dc:date>#{p[name][:last_modified].utc.strftime('%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S+00:00')}</dc:date> EOS item_list << " <content:encoded><![CDATA[<div>#{content}</div>]]></content:encoded>" if content item_list << ' </item>' end items << <<EOS </rdf:Seq> </items> </channel> EOS items << item_list << '</rdf:RDF>' return( [items, last_modified] ) end def rss body, last_modified = rss_body header = Hash::new require 'time' begin if_modified_since = Time.parse(ENV['HTTP_IF_MODIFIED_SINCE']) rescue if_modified_since = nil end if if_modified_since and last_modified < if_modified_since header['status'] = 'NOT_MODIFIED' print @cgi.header(header) else header['Last-Modified'] = CGI::rfc1123_date(last_modified) header['type'] = 'text/xml' header['charset'] = @conf.charset header['Content-Language'] = @conf.lang header['Pragma'] = 'no-cache' header['Cache-Control'] = 'no-cache' print @cgi.header(header) puts body end nil # Don't move to the 'FrontPage' end add_body_enter_proc( do @conf['rss.mode'] ||= 0 if @conf[''] == 1 add_plugin_command('rss', nil) else add_plugin_command('rss', 'RSS') end end) add_header_proc( do %Q! <link rel="alternate" type="application/rss+xml" title="RSS" href="#{@conf.index_url}?c=rss">! end) def saveconf_rss if @mode == 'saveconf' then @conf['rss.mode'] = @cgi.params['rss.mode'][0].to_i end end if @cgi.params['conf'][0] == 'rss' && @mode == 'saveconf' @conf[''] = @cgi.params[''][0].to_i end add_conf_proc('rss', label_rss_config) do saveconf_rss str = <<-HTML <h3 class="subtitle">#{label_rss_mode_title}</h3> <p><select name="rss.mode"> HTML label_rss_mode_candidate.each_index{ |i| str << %Q|<option value="#{i}"#{@conf['rss.mode'] == i ? ' selected' : ''}>#{label_rss_mode_candidate[i]}</option>\n| } str << "</select></p>\n" str << <<-HTML <h3 class="subtitle">#{label_rss_menu_title}</h3> <p><select name=""> HTML label_rss_menu_candidate.each_index{ |i| str << %Q|<option value="#{i}"#{@conf[''] == i ? ' selected' : ''}>#{label_rss_menu_candidate[i]}</option>\n| } str << "</select></p>\n" str end export_plugin_methods(:rss)
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